Sunday, February 17, 2013

Support...Empowerment ...

This morning I didn't even have to tell the kids to get up and get dressed. My typical Sunday morning is a lot of rushing and fussing just to get everyone ready and together to make it on time. Today was different though... It was different because the kids were excited to go and support their friend Kennedy sing her first solo in her choir. Support and Empowerment for others has to begin and taught early . I told the kids the night before what we were going to do and I explained the importance of supporting each other and believing in each other . Kennedy was so excited to see her friends. Their smiles gave me hope ... Their empowerment made me smile. Parents lets teach our kids to inspire each other . They are the next generation to lead this world. Just think if we had a world full of inspirers believers & empowered leaders... It's up to us!!!


  1. That's right!!!! Train up a child in the way that he shall go and when he is old he shall not depart from it!!!!
