Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Nobody Cares When I'm Sick...

I'm sick... but I'm not sick... No really I'm sick!!!... But I can't be sick ... Because when I'm sick the kids can't wake up for school, or know to wash your face and brush your teeth... put your clothes on... hurry ... hurry we are going to be late... don't forget your belt... brush your hair... Where is your bookbag?...Did you grab your homework?... hurry...hurry we are going to be late to the bus... grab some breakfast...grab your coats...we make it to the bus... we kiss and say goodbyes... Whew I few minutes to be sick... because I am sick... but I'm not sick because my life does not stop because I am sick....

Thank You to my wonderful kids that let me be sick when I got back home tonight... they let me lay in the bed and eat my soup and drink my tea ... I didn't have to say ...shower... do your homework... eat your food...stop running...get your school clothes ready... go to bed... didn't I say stop running.... go to bed... they did it all without me nagging... I'm sick... but I'm not sick... No really I'm sick... But I can't be sick... Goodnight SWAKlife....


  1. That is awesome that your kids let you take a few minutes to recoup. Being sick is not easy when you are the only grown up in the house. I pray you get better fast!

  2. Way to kiddos take care of mommy!!!!
