One of my greatest fears is not being the mother, spiritual example,
supporter, counselor, teacher and friend that my children can be proud of... I
still have a lot to teach and show them... I haven't accomplished it all, but I
have done a few things. As parents sometimes we have to show our kids to
actually show them. We have to show them that mommy isn't perfect either,
sometimes grownups need help to. One evening I had got the oldest kids in the
bed and my baby girl who likes to stay up later than everybody else came down
to my room. At the time I was doing my homework for my Financial Accounting
class so I had my textbook out, scratching numbers here and there on a sheet of
paper. Baby girl looked at me and said, “Are you learning your numbers just
like me mommy?"... I said, "Yes baby girl"... She looked at my
paper and said, “Humph looks like you need help from your teacher just like me
mommy,"... I looked at my child, laughed and said, “Yes baby, mommy needs
a lot of help with this class," ... She made a funny face and said,
"You know it's ok to raise your hand and ask questions right?"... I
said, "Yes baby, I know that. Thank you for your advice,"... Baby
girl then asks me, “Why do grownups have to go to school still?", ...I
said, " Well, sometimes grownups go back to school to learn more things so
that they can move to higher positions at work,"... She looked at me with
a mad face, slapped her hand on her forehead and said, "Oh my goodness, I
am never going to get out of school,"... I laughed tapped her on the
bottom and told her to go to bed...LOL... The more I thought about it, the more
I said I can make this situation a small lesson for the kids.
To make a long story short I hated Financial Accounting in undergrad and I
for sure hate it at the graduate level. So I called my teacher to let her know
that I was struggling and what could I do? She advised me that the best thing
to do was to attend study hall for the class on Tuesday evenings... I'm like
great one more thing to add to the Tuesday schedule outside of gymnastics and
drumline... But I had to do it or I am not going to pass this class. So Tuesday
rolled around everyone got out of their practices around 7:00pm... study hall
for this class is from 6:30pm to 9:30pm... I'm tired but of course the party
doesn’t stop, plus my kids just don't believe that their mom is in school... I
get them to my school tell them to bring their homework in and we were all
going to study hall. My son makes a crazy face like "yeah right
lady"... the girls grab their book bags excited... We get inside I show
them my classrooms, the computer lab, the small library... the teacher even let
them come in during my study hall session to see what their mom actually does
during that one day a week away from them when I get home super late. They
loved every bit of it! They had an understanding of what mommy means when she
says she has class tonight. They grasps the concept of asking their teacher for
help when they don't understand.
There is not a lot of spare time in mine and the kid’s schedule, so
sometimes I have to make life examples out of the little things and use it as a
learning tool. I got help with my homework at my study hall, and the kids were
able to finish their homework and learn a small life lesson... It’s ok to ask
for help at any age...I have promised my kids a lot within my dreams. I haven't
fulfilled all of it yet, but it’s coming...
Great idea! Keep up the great work.
ReplyDeleteMagnificent Mom! That you are!!!!